The following is from Philip Bryers of POG - Great news: We have been successful with our bid for funding from the Scottish Government’s Climate Challenge Fund to organise an event entitled:
Our Land, Our Food: preparing for the future and protecting our planet Margaret Lear, with help from other POG members, is working on details of the event, which will take place on Saturday 21 March 2020 from 10.30 – 13.30 in St Matthews Church, Tay Street, Perth. Tea and coffee will be available from 10.15 There will be two speakers - Keesje Avis (Senior Policy Officer with Nourish Scotland, a non-governmental organisation campaigning on food justice issues) and James Murdoch of Extinction Rebellion. There will be time for small group work and discussion. Participation is free, and priority will be given to POG members. Booking is online via Eventbrite is about to open. If you have difficulty accessing the event on Eventbrite, the contact is Margaret Lear at [email protected] or on 01738 787278 In the meantime we need the help of POG members with the following tasks: · Someone to staff the desk, book people in and hand out name labels · People making tea and coffee at start and during break · A note-keeper for each session, recording main points of speakers and comments during feedback sessions · Volunteers from POG to take part in discussion at each table, keep conversation rolling, possibly do the recording. (We don't want all the POGers to be at one table!) · Technical assistance in case of digital disasters!! · From everyone: please bring finger foods to share (cake, biscuits. savoury stuff, samosas etc) - with an emphasis where possible on locally produced/home grown. I know this might be a tall order in March (!), but it would be good for participants to know what ingredients we've found that are our own or local - and see we try to practise what we preach! · From everyone: contact details and ideas of local organisations we should invite, either to attend or to have an information table, or even just send information along. Please contact Margaret with your offers of help on [email protected] – the sooner the better!
December 2024