Here's some good news!! You can now recycle clean, soft ‘scrunchable’ plastics at Pitlochry Co-op. What is scrunchable? Scrunch it up tight - if it pings back, it’s a useful indicator it's soft plastic. The instore collection point is near the front doors and they will accept soft plastics from any brand or retailer and includes:
Plastic carrier bags Lids from ready meals Yoghurt pots Chocolate, cake and biscuit wrappers, Fruit and vegetable clear wrappers Toilet roll wrappers Wine box inners. For the full list please check -
We are hoping to re-start our in person meetings. There are two provisionally planned at the Moulin Hall - Tues the 24th, 1-3pm, and Weds the 25th, 7-9pm. If you would like to attend either (or both!) of these meetings please get in touch with Carol - [email protected]
February 2024